Excellent Condition; 70,951 pulses; One doctor owner; JUST PM'D; Handpieces: 1.5-3mm, 6,8,10mm & 12,15,18mm; Only problems werebroken fibers on delivery systems 6,8,10mm & 12,15,18mm--bothreplaced in the last two months; all original accessories that camewith the laser including the steal articulating arm that holds thedelivery system off the floor, distance gauges: 1.5mm, 3mm, 8mm (x5),10mm (x5), 12mm (x5), 15mm (x5), 18mm (x10), foot pedal, two pair ofgoggles, one patient eyewear, Key, Cryogen emptying valve, OperatorsManual (on disc as well), Cosmetic Laser Workshop Binder.